Use of commercial standards

CurrencyCurrent through P.L. 118-13 (published on on 08/07/2023)
Citation15 U.S.C. § 788

(a) General notice of proposed rulemaking

If any proposed rule by the Administrator contains any commercial standards, or specifically authorizes or requires the use of any such standards, then any general notice of the proposed rulemaking shall-

(1) identify, by name, the organization which promulgated such standards; and

(2) state whether or not, in the judgment of the Administrator, such organization complied with the requirements of subsection (b) in the promulgation of such standards.

(b) Promulgation of commercial standards

An organization complies with the requirements of this subsection in promulgating any commercial standards if-

(1) it gives interested persons adequate notice of the proposed promulgation of the standards and an opportunity to participate in the promulgation process through the presentation of their views in hearings or meetings which are open to the public;

(2) the membership of the organization at the time of the promulgation of the standards is sufficiently balanced so as to allow for the effective representation of all interested persons;

(3) before promulgating such standards, it makes available to the public any records of proceedings of the organization, and any documents, letters, memorandums, and materials, relating to such standards; and

(4) it has procedures allowing interested persons to-

(A) obtain a reconsideration of any action taken by the organization relating to the promulgation of such standards, and

(B) obtain a review of the standards (including a review of the basis or adequacy of such standards).

(c) Consultation with Attorney General and Chairman of Federal Trade Commission; impact of rules on competition

The Administrator shall not incorporate within any rule, nor prescribe any rule specifically authorizing or requiring the use of, any commercial standards unless he has consulted with the Attorney General and the Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission concerning the impact of such standards on competition and neither such individual recommends against such incorporation or use.

(d) Rules relating to Administration procurement activities

The foregoing provisions of this section shall not apply with respect to rules prescribed by the Administrator which relate to the procurement activities of the Administration.

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