N.C. Gen. Stat. § 143-260.10E - Utility easement at William B. Umstead State Park

Cite asN.C. Gen. Stat. § 143-260.10E

(a) The State of North Carolina may grant a utility easement to Carolina Power and Light Company across a tract of land within William B. Umstead State Park. The easement shall be 100 feet wide, extending 50 feet on each side of the following-described survey line: Lying and being in Leesville township, Wake County, North Carolina; BEGINNING at point B2 as shown on the Drawing hereinafter referred to, the point B2 being located in a southern property line of Raleigh Durham Airport Authority (formerly Continental Mortgage Investors) and a northern property line of the State of North Carolina; the point B2 also being located North 87 degrees 01 minute 31 seconds West 834.04 feet from a concrete monument making a southeastern corner of Raleigh Durham Airport Authority (formerly Continental Mortgage Investors); and runs thence South 02 degrees 01 minute 53 seconds East 3508.00 feet to point A2 on the Drawing, the location of Point A2 having North Carolina Coordinates Y=773, 193.769 and X=2,069,162.420, the Point A2 being located at the terminus of Carolina Power and Light Company's existing 100 foot wide ...

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