Vanorden v. Pinecrest Events Center/JK Promotions, L.L.C., 070320 IDWC, 2019-021329

Case DateJuly 03, 2020
IC No. 2019-021329
Idaho Workers Compensation
Before the Industrial Commission of the State of Idaho
September 25, 2020
         FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW, And RECOMMENDATION          INTRODUCTION          Pursuant to Idaho Code sect; 72-506, the Idaho Industrial Commission assigned the above-entitled matter to Referee John C. Hummel. This matter came before the Commission pursuant to an Order of Default, and a hearing was not held. Matthew Romrell of Idaho Falls represented Claimant, Brock VanOrden. Claimant, by and through his counsel of record, filed an Application for Default, together with a brief with supporting exhibits and an affidavit as default proof. Defendant, a non-insured Employer, Pinecrest Events Center/JK Promotions, LLC, did not appear or otherwise submit a defense. The matter came under advisement on July 3, 2020.          ISSUES          The issues to be decided by the Commission are as follows:          1. Whether and to what extent Claimant is entitled to medical care;          2. Whether and to what extent Claimant is entitled to a penalty, costs and attorney fees pursuant to Idaho Code § 72-210;          3. Whether the members of Defendant Employer's limited liability company are personally liable, jointly and severally, for any compensation, penalty, costs and attorney fees; and          4. Whether the Commission should retain jurisdiction beyond the applicable statute of limitations.          All other issues are reserved.          CONTENTIONS OF THE PARTIES          Claimant argues that he sustained an injury in the employment of Employer on March 2, 2019 that required medical care. He claims reimbursement for past medical expenses in the total amount of $47,240.77, pursuant to the Neel doctrine. He further argues that he is entitled to a statutory penalty pursuant to Idaho Code § 72-210 in the amount of 10% of the total amount of his compensation costs, together with costs and reasonable attorney fees. Finally, he argues that the members of Defendant Employer's limited liability company should be held personally liable, jointly and severally, and that the Commission should retain jurisdiction of reserved issues.          Defendant did not file an Answer to the Amended Complaint or otherwise appear or defend this action.          EVIDENCE CONSIDERED          The record in this matter consists of the following:          1. Claimant's Exhibits A through H, admitted to the record pursuant to Defendant's Default; and          2. Claimant's Affidavit dated April 13, 2020, admitted to the record pursuant to Defendant's Default.          COURSE OF THE PROCEEDINGS          Claimant filed a Complaint with the Commission on July 25, 2019. Thereafter, Claimant filed an Amended Complaint on July 26, 2020. The Commission mailed a "pro se" packet to Defendant as an uninsured employer on August 6, 2019. Although served with a copy of the Amended Complaint, neither Defendant nor its principal officers/members filed an Answer or otherwise appeared and defended this action. Claimant filed a Notice of Intent to Take Default on August 28, 2019. The Referee entered an Order of Default on September 23, 2019. On July 2, 2020, Claimant filed a Brief, together with supporting exhibits and an Affidavit, in support of his Application for Default.          After having considered the above evidence and the arguments of the parties, the Referee submits the following findings of fact and conclusions of law for review by the Commission.          FINDINGS OF FACT          1. Employer. "Pinecrest Events Center" is an assumed business name of JK Promotions, LLC. Jesse W. Dye and Kathy S. Dye are the members of JK Promotions, LLC. Employer conducted business in Idaho Falls. Ex. B (Secretary of State certificates); see also, Claimant's Brief at 2-3. Employer operated a small business convention center where customers could rent space for various events, including bridal shows and home shows. Affidavit of Claimant atl.          2. Administrative notice is taken that, at all relevant times, Employer failed to secure payment of compensation as required by the Idaho Workers' Compensation Act.          3. Employment of Claimant. Jesse W. Dye, whom Claimant knew personally, asked him in or about January 2019 to work for Employer. Employer then hired Claimant as a laborer to work 40 hours per week at $10 per hour, however in practice his hours fluctuated. Id. at 1-2; Ex. D (Claimant's timecard).          4. Industrial Accident. On March 2, 2019, while working for Employer, Claimant climbed a ladder to fix a ceiling tile. He fell while attempting to climb down from the ladder and landed on his right elbow. Claimant continued to work, but quickly felt too much pain and he left the premises to seek medical treatment. Claimant's Affid. At 2.          5. Before leaving the work premises, Claimant informed Chandler Dye, Jesse Dye's son, about the accident. One to two days later, Claimant spoke with Jesse Dye about the accident. Id. at 3. Jesse Dye told Claimant that the business did not have workers' compensation insurance and that Claimant would have to pay for his injury himself. Id.          6. Medical Treatment. Claimant's wife took him to the emergency department of Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center (EIRMC) on March 2, 2019 for evaluation. X-rays...

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