Williams v. Harris Mid-Atlantic LLC, 061621 VAWC, VA02000034580

Case DateJune 16, 2021
TRISTAR RISK ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT, Claim Administrator Jurisdiction
Jurisdiction Claim Nos. VA02000034580,VA00001734115
Virginia Workers Compensation
Virginia In The Workers' Compensation Commission
June 16, 2021
          Date of Injury March 9, 2020, March 27, 2020          Claim Administrator File Nos. 20817282, 20816400           Matthew Peffer, Esquire For the Claimant.           Nirav Patel, Esquire For the Defendants.           REVIEW on the record by Commissioner Marshall, Commissioner Newman, and Commissioner Rapaport at Richmond, Virginia.          OPINION           MARSHALL COMMISSIONER          Both parties request review of a January 25, 2021 Opinion. The claimant assigns error to the finding he did not sustain a compensable injury by accident to his neck and right shoulder on March 9, 2020. The defendants allege the Deputy Commissioner erred in finding the employer had notice of the March 27, 2020 left knee injury.[1] We AFFIRM.          I. Material Proceedings          The claimant's May 18, 2020 claim alleged an injury by accident to his right shoulder and neck on March 9, 2020. (JCN VA02000034580). His May 27, 2020 claim alleged a compensable left knee injury on March 27, 2020. (JCN VA00001734115) Both claims requested a medical award and requested that the Commission retain jurisdiction over a future claim for permanency.          The defendants raised identical defenses to both claims. They denied the claimant sustained injuries by accident arising out of and in the course of his employment. They asserted his injuries were not causally related to an accident. They alleged they first received notice when the claimant filed his claims on May 18, 2020 and May 27, 2020.          The Deputy Commissioner considered testimony from the claimant and two defense witnesses, Rodney Smith, the site superintendent, and Douglas Moreno, a foreman. He admitted medical designations from both parties, the defendants' designations of the claimant's discovery depositions,[2] and the claimant's discovery responses.          The Deputy Commissioner denied the claim for a March 9, 2020 injury. He found the preponderance of the evidence established the claimant's right shoulder and neck injury resulted from the cumulative effects of repetitive work activity, cranking a duct jack, for seven and a half hours on March 9, 2020. He found this activity did not constitute one piece of work. Therefore, the claimant did not prove an injury by accident arising out of his employment on March 9, 2020.          The Deputy Commissioner found the March 27, 2020 accident was compensable. He ruled the evidence preponderated that the claimant struck and injured his left knee on a damper. He credited the claimant's testimony that he notified Douglas Moreno, a foreman, of his injury before he left work on the day it occurred. Mr. Moreno denied the claimant ever told him about the knee injury, but he testified he later heard about the knee injury from coworkers. He determined the employer had actual knowledge of the accident on the day it occurred or within a reasonable time thereafter. He relied on Mr. Moreno's acknowledgement that he overheard other employees talking about the claimant's injury. The Deputy Commissioner also determined the defendants had not established any prejudice due to any defect in the notice of injury given by the claimant.[3]          The claimant requests review of the denial of the March 9, 2020 injury claim. He asserts the Deputy Commissioner...

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